Order or purchase pre-sale tickets online to any of B.o.H. concerts the fast and easy way by paying through PayPal. It' FREE to get signed-up for a personal account. By ordering tickets through PayPal for any Show, will secure your tickets for "WILL CALL" purposes only .

This will be a secure, safe and confidential way to order your pre-sale tickets directly from us! You will save money and beat the box office hassle. Please follow the instructions below (print a copy of these instructions):

1. Click on the following link to enter PayPal's Sign-Up page. (We suggest you sign up on the Free serviced "Personal Account" tab. Learn more by clicking on the "Learn more" tab, when you enter PayPal.)

2. Follow PayPal's instruction for signing up for an account. (Remmber everything will be done confidentially and secure.)

3. Once in your account go to the "Send Money" tab. You will be able to pay by credit card, debit card, or bank account by using the Send Money form. Make sure you enter B.o.H.'s e-mail address "bridge2u@cox.net", then enter the total amount of tickets wanted (tickets are pre-sale price listed per ea.), finish filling in the remainder of the form . . . Category of purchase will be "Goods", enter e-mail address and your first and last name (important for WILL CALL purposes) along with event name/date in the notes section (address where you'd want your tickets mailed, if requested -allow 1 week for delivery) . . . now click continue!

4. This will get you to the Payment method page - follow PayPal's instructions and finish by filling in your billing information.

5. You have now purchased your tickets to see one of Orange County's finest Hard Rock bands. Thank you for you order! Looking forward to seeing you at the show!


B.o.H., Jacob's Vow Music

If you have any questions please e-mail us . . . info@bohmusic.com.